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February 8, 2025
Looking for a backing........... from Exuberant Color

This quilt top is next in line for basting to prepare for ditch quilting.  I needed to find a batik for backing yesterday.  It is 37 x 58" so I need almost 1 3/4 yards of fabric.

The first place I look is the 2 shelves of multicolor and large design batiks.  Most of them are hard to use because the color changes so often in them.

When I first look through the stacks I'm looking for larger yardage pieces and pull them out.  The one one the left is more blue, not green as it looks here ...

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January 28, 2024
Pressed and trimmed............. from Exuberant Color

I went back through my archive photos and think this is #13.  One was sold as a top.

This ended up 37" x 58", almost 5 feet tall.  I didn't have to make any more blocks; they were all in those 11 plastic bags sorted by size.  This one is a little different than my previous crooked cobblestone quilts because of a smaller variety of colors in the blocks.

Here I am in 2012 at a gallery in NC with the first 10 crooked cobblestone wall hangings.  All have been sold or gifted except the top right and the ...

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January 27, 2024
Sewn but not pressed................... from Exuberant Color

I sewed in 3 sessions yesterday and got extra pieces added to either the top or bottom of 6 of the 11 columns to get them closer to the same length.  I ended up putting the extra 3" column between columns 4 and 5 instead of between 5 and 6.  I sewed the columns together last night but haven't pressed it yet.  That comes next and then I will trim the bottom edge for a nice straight finish.  It is about 37" x 58" now.  There were 24 blocks of various sizes leftover after assembling this.

We are above ...

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January 25, 2024
Binding finished.............. from Exuberant Color

Like most batik bindings, this one seemed like it took forever but it was only 5 days.  The top was 70" x 91" before quilting so it was a lot of little stitches in the binding.

I folded part of it back so both ends of the quilt show, both the light end and the dark end.  I hopefully will get it up on the design wall for its portrait today.

I added more columns of crooked cobblestone blocks on my design wall yesterday morning.  If you look at the 2 side edges you can see I need to trim ...

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January 24, 2024
On the design wall..................... from Exuberant Color

At the left are all of the rows of the Marcia Derse fabric quilt I was working on.  No decisions made on how to finish it.  I decided to put some columns of Crooked Cobblestone blocks on the design wall to see what I have available.  I used 5 different widths of blocks for this.

I spent the earlier part of the evening hand stitching the binding.  I have 3 corners done and 1/2 of a long side and 1/2 of a short side left to stitch.  Batik binding and batting make it a slower process of hand ...

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January 23, 2024
Old blocks................ from Exuberant Color

While I was in the basement doing laundry I started looking for a bag of crooked cobblestones.  Since I have emptied 4 project boxes so far this month I thought I should continue looking for blocks already made in past years.

In the bag were all of these separate bags of crooked cobblestones that are measured and packaged by width.  On the sidebar of this blog is a photo of a Crooked Cobblestone wall hanging, the first one that I made.  Here is a post when I was sorting them by size, 2016.  They have been waiting a long time ...

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September 18, 2021
More updating photos.............. from Exuberant Color

While I still had the auxiliary lights set up for photographing quilts I decided to take a new photo of Crooked Cobblestones I.  I have sold or gifted all of the rest of the series.

I took a series of detail shots too while I was at it.

Many people have asked if there is a pattern for this.  It is totally improv.

Some of the centers are less than an inch on one edge, others are over 3" on one edge, whatever size the scrap was that I picked up next.

I found a bag of over 150 blocks ...

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  • cobblestone series
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